Downtime bei Volumedrive – Das Ende? *Updated*

Morgen Freunde 😉

Seit nunmehr über 24h ist das Webangebot von nicht zu erreichen. Ebenfalls sind alle shared und dedicated Server vom Netz. Vor einer Woche wurde ein Umzug in ein neues Rechenzentrum vollzogen, was eine maximale Downtime von 2 Stunden nach sich ziehen sollte. Solange die Server zum neuen Rechenzentrum gebracht wurden, liefen Backup-Server mit 1:1-Kopien (Hardware weniger belastbar). Von der Umstellung sollte der Kunde also wenig bis gar nichts mitbekommen. Das Problem nun: Offenbar wurde die richtige Hardware nur zum Rechenzentrum transportiert und dort auch angeschlossen, eine Rückumstellung gab es anscheinend aber nicht. Nun sind alle Server offline und Volumedrive ist nicht mehr zu erreichen. Alle Kunden haben eine Mail vom Betreiber des neuen Rechenzentrums erhalten:


Unfortunately, due to a recent situation with VolumeDrive, your server is likely currently offline. BurstNET may be able to assist you in the matter, if by chance we still have your server in our possession, or can set you us a rush delivery replacement server.
VolumeDrive was scheduled to relocate to our brand new facility here in PA, moved about 20% of their stuff in, put the rest of their stuff in another truck, and never showed up with the remainder at our facility. We tracked them to an office building about 20 miles away, and we assume the rest of the stuff is relocated there, and we saw all their cars and staff outside the building to confirm it. After 24 hours, they do not even have their own website online, so we question whether they will get anything online at all, and how they are going to explain the 300+ servers they left down in our facility with live clients on them.
We do have a percentage of the servers they hosted, that they simply left behind, and are more than happy to accommodate you if possible. Even if we do not have the physical server we would be happy to rush build you a new machine and have it online as soon as possible, running in a company that has been in the industry for 23 years, and is not going anywhere soon. The first step in getting your server back online would be opening a ticket to in which we will provide you with the steps for transferring service to us. We empathize with the inconvenience this has caused you, and want to do whatever we are able to get you, and your end clients/users/visitors, back online as soon as possible.

Please contact ASAP, and we will do our best to assist you in your time of need here…

Thank you for your time.

Alle Kunden sollten sich also schnellstmöglich an wenden, damit die Mitarbeiter dort schauen können, ob der entsprechende Server ganz einfach wieder angeklemmt werden kann.
Einer anderen Quelle zu Folge soll Volumedrive bereits morgen wieder komplett online gehen.

Die ganze Sache wird dadurch nur sehr undurchsichtig, dass das komplette Angebot nach dem Umzug zwar wieder erreichbar war, man aber nur mit Sicherheit sagen kann, dass die LKW und die Mitarbeiter beim neuen Rechenzentrum angekommen sind. Es ist nicht bewiesen, dass sie auch tatsächlich drin waren. So ist es z.B. möglich, dass die Server wieder in das alte Rechenzentrum gebracht wurden. Fraglich wäre damit aber, wie der neue Provider an die Server gekommen ist. Offensichtlich liegt hier irgendwo in der Informationskette ein Fehler. Dem Endkunden kann dies relativ egal sein. Viel wichtiger ist die Frage, ob denn die Daten von den Servern noch erhalten sind. Die wahrscheinlichste Antwort ist: ja. Im Moment scheint es so, als wären die Server alle physikalisch vom Netz und der Verantwortliche (Volumedrive) ist unauffindbar. BurstNET scheint nun kundenfreundlich zu reagieren und versucht, die Server nun wieder online zu bringen oder ggf. gleichwertige Hardware zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Ich halte euch auf dem Laufenden,

Volumedrive bestätigt den Relaunch morgen:


Es wurden alle Server wieder hochgefahren und alle Kunden erhielten folgende E-Mail:

Dear ***,

We are pleased to inform you that the facility migration process is almost complete. Please open a support ticket if you are still having difficulties accessing your server.

We feel that it is imperative on our part to take this opportunity to address any misinformation that has been circulating about our company. Certain parties‘ information, accusations, and downright wrongful and libelous comments that we have seen posted about our company are factually incorrect. We have been trying to take the high road in an effort to not stir the pot any more. However, we find that our silence is no longer an option. VolumeDrive Inc. simply migrated to a new facility, and we have tried everything in our power to bring clients back online as quickly and smoothly as humanly possible. Misinformation about past debts, abandonment and malfeasance of any kind on our part was simply a competitor’s attempt to put us out of business. This migration would not have been as difficult or lengthy as it turned out to be had our competitor not blocked our access to our equipment once they found out we were moving into our own facility. A simple and efficient migration option was taken away from us by their actions. Additionally, during the first few days of our migration, our competitor chose to continue announcing our direct allocation IP prefixes as part of their network in an effort to hinder our new network capabilities. We have since been working with providers to correct this situation.

Due to the lengthier-than-expected downtime, we will be offering a credit to existing clients that wish to continue their service(s) with us. If your server is not located at the new facility, it is most likely located at our competitor’s facility. Unfortunately, they have blocked our access at this time. We hope to pick up this equipment in the near future and we have most certainly not abandoned this equipment, as has been reported. If you have access to your data, we can setup a new replacement server for you free of charge.

We are excited about our new facility and the new options and services it will enable us to provide. We will be offering extremely competitive, if not the lowest, pricing in the market for colocation, dedicated hosting, cloud, reseller and VPS hosting services. In addition to very low pricing, we have increased our bandwidth, peering and network resiliency. All existing servers will be upgraded to higher bandwidth allocations. Our new network infrastructure allows us to offer additional network services (like client BGP sessions), and higher bandwidth options, including 1 Gbps unmetered service. We are now less than 6 ms from all of the major carriers and networks in the NYC metro area.

We hope that we can continue serving your needs in an economical and fair manner so that we can retain your trust. Many of you have been with us for several years and we appreciate your continued loyalty. If you wish to inquire further, please contact me personally:

Thank You,

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